Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Interim Survey Results on Individual Performance Management

Early Results of a global survey on the effectiveness of Individual performance management and review indicate though 100% or respondent believe individual performance management is highly important in their organisation 15% indicate that it is ineffective in their organisations and 32% attribute that to the effectiveness of their performance manager. 38% of respondents believe the HR department own the Individuals engagement in performance management, while 48% see it as the managers role, only 15% believe it’s the individual themselves.

A significant majority of respondents (70%+) indicate there is strong opportunity to improve the process in particular linking of individual goals and KPI’s to the organisations, improved process with reduced paperwork while 93% indicate more use of modern Information Technology can improve outcomes.

These are early indicators and the survey is still open, please complete the survey if you have not already done so by following this link. http://svy.mk/18V1KLO

New Technology impact on Talent Management

We seem to have moved on from Human Resource Management(HRM) to Talent Management taking a broader view of the available talent in an organisation and trying to find improved ways to release that talent for greater value creation in the business of the organisation. Emerging Technologies whch engage collaboration, social and mobile business can have a great impact for an organisation. However the culture and practice of performance management remains with the same goal in all scenarios , aligning our talent with our organisation vision and goals and optomising the performance at an individual and group level.

Intelligentorg.com is building on its research in this area of performance management and how technology can help improve outcomes. I invite you to take a short survey (5 Minutes) on our website at . http://bit.ly/1a4K3NP  or if you prefer on Surveymonkey http://svy.mk/18V1KLO

Thank you in advance, The survey report will be published for all participants to view