Document & eDocument Management Services
Format Conversion
Back up & Recovery
Traditional paper business serves a market place whereby it provides a value proposition to the end customer
Secure & Safe
Meets regulatory requirements for retention
Reduces storage space
Cost effective storage, indexation
Evidential chain of control
The above is derived as a result of:
Physical security and business process
Economies of scale in storage and processing
Core competence in document management.
Retrieval of original versions
In the move to the Digital domain, the same propositions must be in place but they must cover the digital process and content.
Digital security for service provider stored and processed content
Digital security for returned digital content.
Indexation and Analysis (Faster & Cheaper)
Storage, Search and retrieval (Faster & Cheaper)
Regulatory compliance ecommerce (confirm provenance and unaltered)
Data protection compliance (Access & Distribution)
Cost effective storage, retrieval, processing and analysis. (Faster,
Cheaper and more comprehensive)
Evidential chain of control (locked down, audit trail, records,
The above is derived from
Knowledge, experience and processes for handling traditional paper
Hardware technology for scanning, conversion, storage and
Software technology for indexation, analysis, processing and
Introduction of new services and processes.
The move to the digital world must co-exist with legacy paper based business , carry forward the features and propositions that traditionally exist and deliver the new value propositions the digital world can provide without compromising on compliance, security and confidentially.
The Digiprove Value Proposition to the Document & eDocument business
Fundamentally Digiprove is an enabling technology, it’s the glue that allows the adoption of new hardware and software technologies and processes , and it is the technology that enables the preservation of traditional values of safety, security and compliance in the move to digital, while mitigating the new risks that arise as a result of digital systems.
By establishing at the point digital content enters or is created in the business/service process, a digital fingerprint and a certificate of provenance and authenticity which can be verified at any time on or off line the ability to guarantee the integrity of that content is secured. This process can be repeated at any point or multiple points in the digital process should it be required. There is a forensic chain for the digital evidence created.
Digiprove Value Proposition
Digital content security & safety
Forensic chain of digital evidence locked down
Anytime & anyplace verification of digital content provenance,
integrity and authenticity.
Independent digital security certification
Compliance with Industry, Legal, Data protection & e Commerce
Core Business Benefits enabled (Faster, Cheaper, Richer Document
processing and analysis) through the use of a full range of digital
What in it for the end customer for digital document services:
Assurance once they hand over control of digital data or paper
data for conversion to digital that they will always be able to verify its
integrity and authenticity.
Assurance that the admissibility of any of their digital content
as evidence for legal, regulatory compliance or business decisions can be
Ability to reduce or eliminate dependence of physical paper
records and processing.
Faster, better and cheaper management of information for any business
Without Digiprove
Digital document content cannot be proven as an exact
representation of the original content beyond all doubt.
It is costly and time consuming to identify if digital content has
been tampered with.
It may be difficult to get a 3rd party to accept the
provenance, integrity and authenticity of the document.
Dilution of the cost and flexibility benefits that can be derived
from the digital world